Weight Loss

Get ready to transform your body and embrace a healthier lifestyle with the expert weight loss tips and resources on Diet of Life.

Best Fitness Tips for Toned Body

Body Fitness and a toned body is everyone’s dream but due to work pressure and other life problems, we forget about our body health and start bingeing on fast and junk food which further adds to bad health and stressful life over time. So we need to mend our ways and embrace some changes in... Read More

The Vegan Diet for Weight Loss - Is It Safe, Wise and Sustainable?

Weight loss has become a major concern in this day and age. Statistics have indicated an increment in the percentage of obese people all across the globe. One of the major reasons behind this issue is our inclination towards unhealthy diet. Many people have adopted ketogenic vegan diet to cut down... Read More

7 Science-Backed Methods to Lose Weight in a Healthy Manner

Losing weight is always hard, especially when you are focused on healthy, sustainable weight loss. The task is made even harder by the busy schedules we all have. But there is some good news: big weight loss starts with small changes, as any Aesthetic Cosmetic Specialist can tell you. Making one... Read More

Best weight loss program - 5 effective lifestyle tips

A lot of people are struggling to shed weight. Even though some manage to do it temporarily, they tend to put on weight in just a matter of time. For some, reducing weight can be one of the most challenging tasks in their whole life. Losing weight is all about altering your lifestyle. With... Read More

4 Myths about Belly Fat Busted

Abdominal fat is perhaps one of the most fussed over things in nutrition and weight loss circles. Everyone has an idea about how to lose it, and as a result, there are so many myths and misconceptions about belly fat. It is, of course, important to lose excessive fat in the abdominal area. Belly... Read More

7 Things to Keep You Going When Thinking of Quitting Gym

Gained a pound or ten over the last holiday season? I'm going to bet your New Year's Resolution has got something to do with hitting the gym. You are not alone. And you certainly won't be alone in the gym come January until the rest of the month, maybe. You might be surprised to know... Read More
water benefits weight loss

How Nutrisystem Can Help You Lose Weight

Being able to lose weight effectively and efficiently is difficult for just about anyone. Many people struggle with being unable to lose weight for a variety of reasons. If you are someone that finds it very difficult to lose weight, there are plenty of things that you can do to improve your... Read More

Use These Motivational Quotes When Trying To Lose Weight

It's that time of the year when many people are making the decision to get healthy by settings New Year’s resolutions. In a recent poll performed by Statistic Brain, over 40% of Americans said they want to become more healthy, fit, and active. And while these are great intentions to have,... Read More
Yoga Blocks

Different Important Methods of Using Yoga Blocks

Do you find yourself interested in using yoga blocks? Do you want to know how to make the best use of it through different kinds of methods? Blocks of yoga can come about to be very much effective to use as in favour of the beginners and also the seasonal based yoga activities also. Now... Read More

The trampoline – Incredible Health Benefits

There is a misconception that trampoline is only designed for kids. In fact, there are safe trampolines for adults as well that works as effective equipment to lose weight can shape the body within a specific period of time. Traditional weight loss exercises are typically boring and trampoline can... Read More
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