Self-care Tips after Vaginal Rejuvenation

December 19, 2018 • By Sophia Smith

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Vaginal loosening is something that almost every other woman goes through at a certain stage due to some certain reasons. Most importantly, there are two main reasons why the vagina walls loosen up in women, first, it happens due to the age, the older you grow, the more are the chances of your vagina becoming loose. The second and most common reason for vaginal loosening is childbirth.  

Truth be told, vaginal loosening might not be a major issue for some women but for some people it is, and this is why they opt for vagina tightening surgeries and vaginal rejuvenation, etc.

You see, loosening of the vagina can cause so many problems, especially it can have a serious effect on your sex life, and it also causes discomfort, so it’s not at all a bad idea to go for the vagina tightening treatment. In fact, you don’t have to worry about going under the knife or the pain, etc because now it’s all done with a laser. Yes, you read it right, and all the credit for it goes to technology that now there are proper laser devices that can easily tighten up your vagina walls without making you go through unbearable pain.

You can search for Melbourne doctors performing laser vaginal rejuvenation because they are the best at this treatment and you’ll then have a clearer idea of what we are talking about. Now, if you are someone who has finally decided to get this treatment done then here are a few self-care tips for you that can help you recover quickly. (1)

1- Use ice packs

Before getting the treatment done, make sure that you’ve got ice packs at home because that’s required to lessen all the bruising and swelling. Don’t worry because a little bruising and swelling in that area are quite normal and after using some ice packs, you will be totally fine.

2- Clothing

Make sure you are wearing cotton underwear especially after the treatment because even a little friction isn’t good for you. You don’t want to hurt the treated part of your body, so the wiser thing to do is to wear loose clothes especially loose pants.

3- Take a rest

You shouldn’t go to work for at least 6 to 7 days, and it’s better to opt for moderate rest in the beginning. You can walk a little but try to limit your movement if you really want to heal quickly.

4- Sexual life

We’d recommend you not to have sex for a few weeks because your vagina will be very sensitive after the treatment and you should not involve in any sexual activity until you get completely healed. This will also help you know if the treatment actually worked for you or not.

5- Bathing

For at least a few days don’t take long baths and long showers. Also, don’t even think about going into the sea or the pool because the water inside is not good for your healing.

6- Don’t involve in any strenuous activities

You need to avoid all kinds of stressful activities most importantly the physical ones that can hurt you like horse riding, cycling, jet skiing, motorcycle driving, etc. Just give your body some time, let it heal properly and then do all the activities you want to.


These are some of the main tips that are to be followed after the vaginal rejuvenation treatment. Make sure to follow the above-mentioned tips and suggestions and we assure you that you will recover quickly. (2)

Sophia Smith

She is a renowned nutritionist and freelance writer whose topics of interest include healthy living and healthy eating. She is passionate about introducing new and delicious healthy meals while balancing her time between cooking and going to the gym. Her mission is to change the life of as many people as she can and make them the best version of themselves.
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