
Embrace a holistic approach to nutrition and implement beneficial foods into your diet with Diet of Life.

avocado coconut milk ice cream

Easy Keto Avocado Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipe

If you like eating avocados and drinking coconut milk, you should try out the tasty keto avocado coconut milk ice cream recipe. Besides being very easy to make, this ice cream is healthy. The avocados give it a lot of vitamins as well as lovely color and smooth texture. And the coconut milk... Read More
apple cider vinegar and honey

How Can The Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Be Used For Colon Cleansing?

Apple cider vinegar and honey have been used in cooking in different cultures for thousands of years. And due to their numerous health benefits, they’ve been used for medicinal purposes for a long time as well. But, can you imagine what a powerful healthy drink the combination of these two... Read More
Natural Antibiotic

10 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics For Treating Infections

Antibiotics are drugs that are used to destroy or hinder the growth of bacteria. When we have a cold, a cough or an infection, most of us tend to go to the doctor’s office to ask for a prescription antibiotic. But, while antibiotics can treat bacterial infections, they can’t treat viral ones,... Read More
coconut water benefits

8 Health Benefits Of Coconut Water

Are you searching for a way to stay hydrated and boost your health? Well, search no more – coconut water is the perfect drink for you. Thanks to its pleasant, refreshing, and sweet taste and the different health benefits it offers, coconut water has become the new trendy drink among athletes and... Read More
Natural Antibiotic

10 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics

As we become so dependent on antibiotic pills, the bacteria become even more resistant and even produce and evolve on a larger scale. As these medicines were invented and started to be used in the 1940s (20 century), our ancestors used to use natural antibiotics to fight any fungus, bacteria, or... Read More
Honey Water Benefits

Honey Water Benefits For Weight Loss, Annoying Cough, And Much More!

It is very usual to wake up groggy for most people and the first thing they do is to get that cup of coffee to increase their mood and boost their brain function! This might be tricky sometimes and can even cause some digestive problems. We offer you a great drink to start every morning,... Read More
drink water

How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?

In a world of countless types of soda, teas, latte macchiatos, iced coffee, and cocktails, water might not be the tastiest and most interesting drink, but it is a fact that your body can’t function without it. Around 60 percent of your body is water. But, throughout the day, it continuously loses... Read More
Golden Milk

9 Reasons Why Turmeric Golden Milk Is Beneficial For You And How To Make It

Are you searching for a way to boost your immune system, warm up, and relax during these cold winter days? If your answer is yes, it may be time for you to include the super healthy and delicious golden milk in your diet. Golden milk, also known as turmeric milk or golden milk latte, is... Read More

7 Raw Food Breakfast Ideas That You Can Make In Less Than 5 Minutes

How often have you heard your mom yelling at you for not even looking at your breakfast when you were a teenager? You probably heard it the same number of times as the phrase – breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? Do you believe in this?  Let me remind you of... Read More
foods avoid eating empty stomach

10 Foods You Should Avoid Consuming In The Morning

A smoothie or a cup of latte macchiato or iced coffee is what probably pops into your head when you think of a good breakfast. It does sound great, but have you ever thought about whether this is the right way to start your day? Believe it or not, the first thing you consume on... Read More
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