3 Healthy Lemon And Garlic Drink Recipes

July 12, 2024 • By Penelope Torres

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Lemon And Garlic mix

It is probably not the first drink that comes to your mind to taste, but the mixture of lemon and garlic is one of the best for your health. Of course, you will need some time to get used to it, but it is really beneficial, so it is worth it!

One study showed that this mixture could significantly lower the cholesterol level and the blood pressure level of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. (1)

It is definitely not very delicious, but it is a natural remedy that can strengthen and boost your immunity. It can give you the needed energy for the day and help you fight all the viruses and bacteria!

Garlic has been used as e medicine for centuries and has antibiotic properties. In addition, it can protect your heart and prevent developing some cancer types as shown in some scientific studies published in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Vitamin C can also protect you from anemia as it helps the iron absorption from your diet. Lemon has been proved to aid digestion and some animal case studies showed it can prevent some types of cancer. (2)

Lemon’s pleasant and distinctive taste will help you fall in love with this healthy drink, and we offer you 3 different preparation methods to choose the one you prefer the best!

Lemon Garlic Drink Mixture

It is very easy to prepare it and it is cheap. Given all the benefits it has, you should drink as often you can to prevent the congestion of the blood arteries, free radicals formation in your body, and boost your immunity.

How can you prepare it?

There are 3 different ways and recipes for this mixture and you choose the one that you find the most convenient for you:

Recipe No 1


  • 30 cloves garlic, chopped into pieces.
  • 6 peeled lemons, cut into pieces.


  1. Put the mixture in a blender or in a food processor and blend it with an adequate amount of water until smooth
  2. Add two liters of water to a pot and pour the mixture inside
  3. Bring the mixture to boil
  4. Simmer it for around 5 minutes
  5. Put the liquid into a glass bottle when it is cooled.
  6. When cooled, sieve the liquid and put it into a glass bottle as it is best for storage
  7. Store in the fridge to chill

How to drink it?

  1. First Shot: Drink 50 ml of this mixture for three weeks daily.
  2. Make a break for a week.
  3. Second Shot: Drink 50 ml of this mixture for the next three weeks.

You can repeat the treatment every six months.

 Recipe No 2


  • 6 lemons
  • 30 cloves of garlic

Blend half of the ingredients in the food processor. Cover the mixture with water and pour it into a metal pot. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining ingredients (3 lemons and 15 cloves of garlic).

Bring the pot to a boil, and then simmer for five minutes. Strain it and put it in another pot, and let it cool. While straining, ensure that all slurry is thrown away and the remaining liquid is clear.

You will get around 3 or 4-liter bottles in quantity. Store it in glass bottles as they are best for storing liquids.

First Shot: Drink 1 standard glass each day for three weeks.

Make a break for a week.

Second Shot: Drink 1 standard glass each day for the final three weeks.

You can repeat the treatment every 12 months or whenever you like, but you should leave some time between the treatments.

Recipe 3


  • 1 cup of lemon juice
  • 1 cup of ginger juice
  • 1 cup of garlic juice
  • 1 cup apple vinegar

How to prepare it?  

  1. Make a nice mixture and boil for a half-hour, or until a balance of 3 cups.
  2. When it is cooled, pour another 3 cups of natural honey.
  3. Pour it into a glass bottle and keep it in the fridge.
  4. Take one tbsp. every morning before breakfast.

Side effects of drinking this mixture

You should be very careful if you have problems with your intestines and stomach, as garlic may worsen the symptoms. Also, nursing and pregnant mothers shouldn’t take it as it is unknown how it affects small children’s health.

Penelope Torres

She is a health blogger that knows exactly what readers expect from her writings on nutrition, health and wellness. She inspires them to act and educate them on nutrition and healthy living using real and scientifically-based facts that support her ideas.
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