
Transform your outdoor space into a lush paradise with Diet of Life’s comprehensive gardening guides.

cinnamon on plants

11 Cinnamon Benefits For Plants And Gardening

Cinnamon gives that delicious flavor to many cooking recipes. It is a spice that is made from the inner bark of the aromatic tree Cinnamomum. It is a versatile spice and even a small dash of Cinnamon gives that distinct taste to your homemade pie. It is also a very powerful substance with many... Read More
grow blueberries

How To Grow Blueberries In Your Backyard Garden

In addition to producing fruits that are super delicious and a wonderful addition to snacks, fruit salads, and desserts, blueberry bushes aren’t difficult to grow. They can be grown in pots or containers or planted directly in the ground. Moreover, offering beautiful, white spring flowers and... Read More
How to Plant a Tangerine

How To Plant A Tangerine Seed

The tangerine, also known as mandarin orange or satsuma, is a variety of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulate). It produces small and juicy citrus fruit that is easy to peel. Tangerines can be planted in containers, pots, or directly into the ground. They’re commonly grown using grafting, but they... Read More
why is gardening good for you

10 Reasons Why Gardening Is Good For You

Besides being highly enjoyable and a great way to keep yourself active, gardening offers a variety of health benefits. Gardening can do wonders for your mind, body, and soul and this has been backed by science too. Living in a fast-paced society where we’re exposed to all kinds of stressors every... Read More

Most Common Plastic Materials Used in Injection Molding

The names of the plastic injection molding materials sound like chemical words. It's difficult enough now that polyethylene rhymes with polypropylene (PP), which has a similar acronym to polystyrene (PS). Realizing your required specifications, which might change among prototyping and production,... Read More
floating gardens Aztecs

The Floating Gardens Of The Aztecs Are Still In Use Today 

In the time of global climate changes, floating gardens offer an excellent solution to farmers in areas where flooding dominates the annual weather cycle, and fertile land is not available. It is an innovative form of sustainable farming that doesn't harm nature. But they are nothing new. In the 15... Read More
how to grow avocado from seed

How To Grow An Avocado Plant From Seed

Whether you like to consume them in salads, smoothies, omelettes, guacamole, or sandwiches, avocados can make any dish tastier. But, regardless of the way you want to consume this healthy fruit, the next time you finish eating your avocado, do not throw the seed away. Instead, use it to grow your... Read More
Baking Soda in the Garden

14 Uses Of Baking Soda In The Garden

Do you know what does it hide behind the scientific term sodium bicarbonate? Yes, that is baking soda, a natural mineral used in medicine, as a food additive in your kitchen, cleaning product, and in the industry due to chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. And yes you can make fireworks... Read More
pallet gardening

Top 5 Pallet Gardening Ideas

If you’re looking for ways to transform your garden or just organize your plants, creating a pallet garden is the right method for you. Plenty of wooden pallets ends up discarded in landfills. That’s a sad fact if we take into consideration all the things we can do with them in the garden. And... Read More
Bonsai care and maintenance

How to Care For a Bonsai Tree - Proper Care, Love, And Maintenance Of Your Bonsai Trees

Even if you have no idea what a bonsai tree looks like, you can probably guess that bonsai trees need care and love to thrive with every plant on Earth. Leave a plant alone with hateful words, no water, or direct sunlight and it will die very soon. Bonsai trees can be as sensitive as any... Read More
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