10 Superfoods Every Student Should Know

What are superfoods and why must students be aware of them? Superfoods are foods rich in several nutrients that can help you achieve a healthier diet. Having a balanced diet is not enough. In order to achieve optimal health benefits, you must eat foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. If... Read More

Finding the reasons for the growing popularity of Mediterranean cuisines

Whenever we talk about restaurants and food in New Jersey, it is difficult to leave out Mediterranean and Lebanese food that has become synonymous with New Brunswick Restaurants. The newfound love for the special type of food is the latest trend among food lovers who like to experiment with new... Read More

7 Super Healthy Snacks You Can Bring Anywhere

Healthy snacking is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Most individuals are now always on the go; between running errands and making it on time for your job, the demands of a busy day-to-day life make it tempting to snack on convenience food that is usually unhealthy. The good... Read More

Should Women Pay More for Health Insurance Than Men?

Health insurance is another expense that many of us don’t love but choose to tolerate because it makes life safer and easier. But what should the cost of health insurance be? And should your gender influence this? The situation depending on whether health insurance costs are equal between the... Read More

7 Tips for Running Outside During the Winter

Avid runners won’t be stopped by a sudden drop in exterior temperature. Maybe you’ve seen these fitness fanatics dressed in leggings and nylon jackets, and running in sub-zero temperatures. Many of them do this throughout the winter months, but did you know that cold air can burn the lungs and... Read More


CBD is one cannabinoid out of the other 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis or hemp. Both CBD and THC are found in high concentration as compared to other cannabinoids, which is why both are under the microscope of researchers. CBD and THC have various health benefits. However, since THC causes... Read More

CBD Oil: The Lowdown on the Craze Everyone is Talking About

Cannabidiol is a huge thing right now. Virtually every day, there is a new story in the media about the health benefits of CBD oil, from its effectiveness at treating acne to how useful it is if your dog is the anxious type. But what exactly is cannabidiol and is CBD oil a worthy investment?... Read More

What You Should Know About Dieting

It seems as if every time you turn around there is a new diet trend popping up that promises to be the ultimate miracle cure for weight loss. The white noise that floods social media regarding fitness has made it even harder to discern between what is true or false? Here we will discuss the... Read More

Beginner Guide to High Protein Meal Prep

Meal planning is a key element to reaching your fitness goals and even though this may seem like a tedious and unattainable task for most, especially considering that life can be busy. With busy work life or studies, it is convenient to pick up a sandwich or burger from a nearby 7-Eleven or Tesco.... Read More

Throw a Tapas Lunch Party – Top Four Healthy Options to Include

A great platter, Tapas is mostly shared with friends. Today, you have Tapas recipes to count on if you are a health-conscious person and want others to eat healthy and well. It's been over 800 years that Tapas has been a central aspect of the food scene. Typically, this platter gets consumed as a... Read More
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