benefits of coconut water

14 Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water For Men And Women

Coconut milk or coconut water? Are you feeling a little bit confused? It is very easy to confuse them, but they are different. Coconut water is a clear natural liquid, and 95 % of it is pure water it is a great ready-to-drink beverage for dehydration, especially after workouts, and to support... Read More
garlic honey and lemon

Boost Your Immunity With Lemon, Honey And Garlic Natural Tonic

As modernization grows, everyone is concerned about their health, no matter their age. Fortunately, we have superfoods such as garlic and honey that come directly from nature, which can help us treat various ailments. They even have a better effect when combined as it comes with a garlic honey... Read More
pitfalls of dieting

5 Classic Pitfalls That Will Blight Your Dieting Journey

It's a topic that's never going to grow old, and the main reason for this is because dieting is almightily difficult to conquer. In other words, it's tough to sustain - and this is why newer 'techniques' are invented every year. Not only that, but the stakes are high. Whether it’s medical experts... Read More
full body cleanse detox

A Full-Body Cleanse Detox: Is It Necessary?

Full-body cleanse detox is a practice that is frequently advertised on TV, social media, and in magazines. This practice is believed to help remove toxins from your body, promote weight loss, and improve your overall health. But is this really so? In this article, we’ll talk about what a... Read More
alkaline foods

Top 6 Alkaline Foods

Diet has an overall effect on your health and the food you consume affects almost everything – your brain, your muscles, kidneys, liver, bones, and your mood.  Eating a healthy and balanced diet is one of the most important things to prevent many diseases, lower your cholesterol and sugar... Read More
how to grow a pineapple

How To Grow A Pineapple Plant From The Top

If you like eating pineapples, pick one up next time you go grocery shopping, and use it to grow your own pineapple plant. Yes, you read that right. You can grow a pineapple at home by using the leafy top of the fruit. But, before we explain how you can do this, let’s look at... Read More
side effects of ginger and turmeric

Turmeric And Ginger Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage And Drug Interactions

Ginger and Turmeric make quite a powerful culinary pair. Consumed for centuries and used as medicinal herbs in China and India, they spread to Europe and the United States and became a household staple for many. They earned a reputation for being super healthy and are one of the most extensively... Read More
cinnamon on plants

7 Little-Known Uses For Cinnamon In The Garden

Cinnamon is an excellent addition to many foods, from cookies, buns, pies, and cakes to puddings and bread. But, did you know that cinnamon can be used on houseplants and in the garden too? The positive effects of cinnamon on plants have even been backed by science. One study has found that... Read More
foods that cause acne

Top 10 Foods That Cause Acne And How To Get Clear Skin

Can you believe that acne breakout on your face can be related to an internal organ and a hidden health issue? According to ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese healing techniques, your nose acne is connected to stomach issues, while acne on your cheeks is a result of stress or poor digestion. This... Read More
cinnamon on plants

11 Cinnamon Benefits For Plants And Gardening

Cinnamon gives that delicious flavor to many cooking recipes. It is a spice that is made from the inner bark of the aromatic tree Cinnamomum. It is a versatile spice and even a small dash of Cinnamon gives that distinct taste to your homemade pie. It is also a very powerful substance with many... Read More
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