Benjamin Wilson

He is a fitness trainer and part-time blogger interested in nutrition and in leading a healthy lifestyle. He writes smart and inspirational articles on nutrition supported by scientific research and his own personal experience in the healthcare industry.
grow blueberries

How To Grow Blueberries In Your Backyard Garden

In addition to producing fruits that are super delicious and a wonderful addition to snacks, fruit salads, and desserts, blueberry bushes aren’t difficult to grow. They can be grown in pots or containers or planted directly in the ground. Moreover, offering beautiful, white spring flowers and... Read More
14 fake olive oil brands

14 Fake Olive Oil Brands

How many times have you gotten frustrated with your choice when buying olive oil? You may have bought extra virgin olive oil in your local grocery store to make your favorite dish only to discover that it was fake. Undoubtedly, olive oil belongs to the group of the most commonly used oils globally... Read More
How to Plant a Tangerine

How To Plant A Tangerine Seed

The tangerine, also known as mandarin orange or satsuma, is a variety of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulate). It produces small and juicy citrus fruit that is easy to peel. Tangerines can be planted in containers, pots, or directly into the ground. They’re commonly grown using grafting, but they... Read More
bedroom plants

Top 15 Bedroom Plants That Will Help You Sleep Better

In addition to beautifying any space, indoor plants offer a variety of health benefits. Studies have shown that indoor plants may help lower stress levels as well as improve attention, concentration, and productivity. (1,2,3) Moreover, a NASA study has found that the roots and soil of indoor plants... Read More
uses of vicks vaporub

20 Unusual Uses For Vicks VapoRub

I remember that when I was a child and had a cold, my parents rubbed Vicks VapoRub on my chest and under my nose to stop me from coughing as well as open my airways to help me breathe more easily. But, did you know that in addition to helping relieve symptoms of the common... Read More
Non Toxic Cookware

6 Ways How To Select Non-Toxic Cookware

If you’re someone who pays attention to the food you choose to eat, then you’ve probably read hundreds of articles on what healthy foods you should include in your diet and what unhealthy foods you should avoid. But, has it ever occurred to you what cookware you use to prepare your food? Are... Read More
food addicts food plan

What Is The Food Addicts Anonymous Food Plan

While the concept of drug addiction and alcoholism may be familiar for you, the concept of food addiction is relatively new and it’s gradually gaining acceptance. Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) does not include a formal diagnosis of food addiction,... Read More
avocado coconut milk ice cream

Easy Keto Avocado Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipe

If you like eating avocados and drinking coconut milk, you should try out the tasty keto avocado coconut milk ice cream recipe. Besides being very easy to make, this ice cream is healthy. The avocados give it a lot of vitamins as well as lovely color and smooth texture. And the coconut milk... Read More
floating gardens Aztecs

The Floating Gardens Of The Aztecs Are Still In Use Today 

In the time of global climate changes, floating gardens offer an excellent solution to farmers in areas where flooding dominates the annual weather cycle, and fertile land is not available. It is an innovative form of sustainable farming that doesn't harm nature. But they are nothing new. In the 15... Read More
3 day military

3-Day Military Diet Plan: How Effective Is It In Promoting Weight Loss?

The military diet, also known as the “3-day military diet,” is a popular trend among many people who choose to follow it in the hope that they’re going to shed weight very quickly. One important thing we’d like to mention is that the military diet is not related to the military in any way... Read More
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