3 Spring Dishes Perfect for Seniors

March 28, 2019 • By Sophia Smith

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It might be a little hard to tell, judging by the slush and snow outside, but spring really is on its way. And with it come all sorts of fresh, seasonal produce to eat. Whereas winter had you hunker down and cook long-stewing, hearty dishes, the springtime allows you to get a little more creative, and begin to incorporate more fresh ingredients.

Cooking for oneself day after day can be exhausting – in fact, it’s one of the great reasons why so many people choose live in caregivers – so this post will attempt to offer up simple, straightforward meals you can make, which still utilize the cornucopia of fresh seasonal food available. Of course, if you do have home care, these are also fantastic meals to make with your caregiver. Let’s take a look at three simple dishes you can try for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast: Greek Yogurt with Spring Fruits

Yogurt is a fantastic probiotic, but on its own it can be a little uninteresting. Rather than reach for the flavoured yogurt from the tub, which can be replete with sweeteners, gums and other additives, why not try putting together your own yogurt bowl?

Beginning with a dollop or two of unsweetened, plain Greek yogurt (which may be low- or full-fat, depending on your doctor-recommended diet) you can turn your attention next to seasonal fruits. Cherries and strawberries come into season in the spring, which both make great toppings for yogurt. Finally, try topping everything with fresh herbs, like mint or even basil, and add seeds or nuts for some crunch.

Lunch: Minestrone of Hearty Spring Vegetables

Regardless of the month, spring can still be chilly. It’s a good idea, therefore, to have a soup recipe in your back pocket. This spring minestrone, courtesy of Good Housekeeping, combines bright spring vegetables – carrots, leeks, asparagus and red potatoes –together with low-sodium chicken broth and herbs to make a hearty, heart-healthy lunchtime meal.

To include more classic Italian flare, expand on this recipe by adding canned tomatoes, fresh basil and oregano, and – the best kept secret of Italian grandmas everywhere – the rind of a Parmesan cheese at the beginning of the simmering process. Molto Bene!

Dinner: One Pan Salmon with Asparagus and New Potatoes

Any meal that can come together with minimal effort and minimal clean up afterwards is a winner. This recipe comes courtesy of a popular YouTube chef (you can follow along with the video here), and combines potatoes, asparagus and salmon. Coat the halvedpotatoes in a little olive oil, and a pinch of salt and pepper, and place them on a baking sheet in the oven, set to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

After 25 minutes, your asparagus and salmon can join the potatoes on the tray. In the video above, the chef tops his salmon with a Dijon vinaigrette, but you can prepare yours any way you fancy. Pop everything back in the oven for 15 more minutes and, voila! You have an easy, one-pan meal that combines vegetables, a healthy protein and carbs. 

You will notice that these meals are very plant-forward, meaning that they feature vegetables front and centre. For seniors (and for everyone, really), this is a happy, healthy way to eat. Whether you cook independently, or with the help of an in-home caregiver, try one of these fantastic recipes this spring!

Sophia Smith

She is a renowned nutritionist and freelance writer whose topics of interest include healthy living and healthy eating. She is passionate about introducing new and delicious healthy meals while balancing her time between cooking and going to the gym. Her mission is to change the life of as many people as she can and make them the best version of themselves.
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